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Product-led growth vs sales-led growth: Which is right for you?

April 9, 2024

29 minute read

Whatever you do as a Product Manager, one of the realities you’ll inevitably face is trying to chart the right course toward growth. You can’t know what’s around the corner unless you have a crystal ball, but you can always make plans! You’ll need to make a strategic decision between two distinct growth pathways: product-led growth vs sales-led growth.

Each strategy carves its own unique path to market domination and growing your user base, and they both have their advantages, depending on your business model and your market.

Think of product-led growth as your product stepping into the spotlight, dazzling with its sheer usability and value right off the bat. This approach is all about letting the product shine on its own, fueled by innovation and the kind of user feedback that keeps you sharp. It’s perfect for when you want to tap into the viral nature of digital buzz.

On the flip side, going sales-led is like crafting a series of personalized experiences, where building deep, meaningful customer relationships is the name of the game. This method shines when your product needs a bit more explanation or a custom touch to truly resonate with your audience.

But here’s the trick: they’re not mutually exclusive. A hybrid strategy could be your golden ticket, blending self-serve product-led growth with the personalized care of your Sales team. You get to mix efficiency with a personal touch, ensuring you can scale up and still cater to those who need a little more TLC.

That’s why I’m going to dig deep into this analysis of product-led vs sales-led growth. We’re going to shed light on:

  • What is product-led growth vs sales-led growth?
  • What are their benefits?
  • Which approach suits your product and business?
  • How to blend product-led growth and sales-led growth
  • Key considerations to keep in mind
  • How to measure your growth

The goal is to arm you with everything you need to align your business’s growth strategy with its overarching objectives, and to guide you to finding the right approach for your product between product-led growth vs sales-led growth.

What is product-led growth?

Product-led growth is when the product itself becomes the main engine for market penetration, customer acquisition, and business expansion.

In a utopian world, your product’s design and utility will be so intuitive that they completely eliminate any need for traditional sales interventions. Ideally, you’ll make a product that’s so user-friendly it’ll encourage users to discover, adopt, and invest in it just by letting them use it.

The allure of product-led growth lies in its scalability and efficiency. There are a lot of success stories in both the B2C and B2B worlds. Think how easy it was to start using streaming services like Spotify and communication tools like Slack, without ever once talking to anyone.

That should already tell you everything you need to know about how a truly well-crafted product can market itself, leverage its inherent and quickly obvious value, and provide a seamless user experience to foster its organic growth. Your work will need to speak for itself, basically.

This is a relatively more recent approach, and it doesn’t just turbo-boost your road to user adoption, it fits in with the modern consumer’s preference for doing things for themselves. Let’s be honest here – nobody really wants to submit a support ticket, do they?

By making building an intuitive UX your priority from the get-go, you can catalyze sustainable growth for your product. Word-of-mouth recommendations, viral marketing, and people loving your product and sticking with it will all bring more and more people in the door.

With product-led growth, your product is the champion. Through its intelligent design and self-explanatory functionality, it’ll be your prime mover, propelling your business forward and ensuring the line keeps going up.

The essence of product-led growth lies in creating a user experience so compelling and intuitive that the product almost sells itself. This approach relies on users discovering the value of the product through direct interaction, facilitated by a set of strategically designed mechanisms. These tools aim to reduce friction at every step of the user’s journey and to empower users to make informed decisions about adopting and upgrading within the product environment.

Image showing tools and techniques to promote product-led growth vs sales-led growth.

How can you drive product-led growth?

If you’re trying to create a user experience so compelling and intuitive that your product sells itself, you need your users to discover its value through direct interactions. There are a lot of ways to make this work, designed to reduce friction at every step of the user’s journey and to empower them with everything they need to know about adopting and upgrading.

Methods for driving product-led growth include:

  • Free trial: This is your open house invitation. Users get full access to your product for a limited time, encouraging them to dive in and explore all its features. It’s the “try before you buy” ethos that can significantly lower the barrier to entry.
  • Freemium model: Here, users get perpetual free access to a basic version of your product. It’s like a teaser that gets them hooked with enough value, betting that their growing needs will push them to upgrade for more features or capacity.
  • In-app product tours: Think of this as your product’s guided tour, showcasing its best features and how to use them. It’s a hands-on approach to help new users find their footing right from the get-go, reducing confusion and highlighting value.
  • Upgrade paths: These are the well-placed signposts within your product that show users what they could unlock with a premium plan. It’s about teasing the possibilities that lie just one tier up, enticing users to level up their experience.
  • Self-serve checkouts: The power is in the users’ hands; they can decide to upgrade or subscribe at any moment without needing to speak to anyone, just by plugging in their card details. This frictionless path to purchase keeps the momentum going from decision to action.
  • Automated emails: These are your nudges and whispers, reaching out to users with reminders, tips, and personalized upgrade suggestions based on their usage patterns. It’s a way to stay in the conversation and gently guide them toward deeper engagement or subscription.
  • Community building: Creating spaces for users to connect, whether online forums or social media groups, turns the user base into a vibrant ecosystem of support and ideas. This sense of belonging can turn users into advocates and provides invaluable insights directly from those who know your product best.
  • Gamification: Sprinkling elements of play, like achievements or progress badges, throughout the user experience can transform routine interactions into engaging and rewarding moments. This approach keeps users coming back, eager to discover what’s next. This is a technique we use here at ProdPad – just start a free trial to see how we use it!
  • Referral programs: When users spread the word about your product to friends or colleagues, everyone wins. Incentives for referrals, such as bonus features or discounts, can turbocharge your user base growth, all while lowering the cost of acquiring new users.

What is sales-led growth?

Sales-led growth takes a more traditional and well-trod path vs the self-serve tactics of product-led growth. It puts the spotlight on direct sales efforts, depending on them to capture new clients and grow your business.

This strategy relies heavily on a fantastic Marketing funnel that captures focus and nurtures your leads all the way through to that coveted conversion. It takes a significant focus on personalized interactions with your prospective customers, and regular demos of the product’s value by the Sales team.

Sales-led growth is a very hands-on approach, where each prospect is guided through what your product can do and how it’s better than the rest by your Salespeople.

It’s all about lending that special, personal touch to every interaction you have with your potential clients, tailoring your demos to their specific needs, in the hope of landing what are often large chunks of revenue. It’s still a vital strategy if your product demands a deeper level of engagement and understanding to really get your head around how it can help.

How can you drive sales-led growth?

Sales-led growth strategies hinge on the power of personal touch and direct engagement. You’ll need to focus on understanding each customer’s needs in-depth and presenting them with customized solutions through a more hands-on approach.

From the first hello to the final handshake, sales-led mechanisms are all about creating a dialogue between you and your potential customers, guiding them toward seeing your product as the perfect fit.

Methods for driving sales-led growth include:

  • Demos: This is the chance to see your product in action, often tailored to the prospective customer’s interests. It’s a chance to dazzle with a live showcase, highlighting exactly how your product can solve their specific problems.
  • Enquiry buttons on pricing pages: These are the “I’m interested, tell me more” buttons that signal a user is considering taking the plunge but needs that extra bit of information or reassurance – opening the door for a direct conversation.
  • Sales follow-up: Following up on inquiries or demo attendees with personalized communication can make all the difference. It’s about keeping the conversation going, addressing questions, and moving towards a commitment.
  • Cold outreach: Sometimes, you’ve got to make the first move. This can be through targeted emails or calls to potential customers who fit your ideal user profile but haven’t engaged with your product yet. It’s about introducing your solution into their world.
  • Invoice creation and contracts: Once a prospect is ready to become a customer, creating invoices and contracts formalizes the relationship. This step often involves negotiation on pricing and terms, paving the way for a long-term partnership.
  • Customized onboarding: Especially for complex solutions, offering a tailored onboarding experience can ensure customers integrate the product into their processes effectively, setting the stage for successful adoption and long-term satisfaction.
  • Personalized email campaigns: Beyond the initial outreach, crafting email campaigns that speak directly to the prospect’s needs and interests can significantly enhance engagement. Tailoring content based on the prospect’s industry, role, or previous interactions with your product ensures that every message resonates more deeply.
  • Targeted advertising: Leveraging data to create highly targeted advertising campaigns can place your product in front of the right eyes at the right time. Whether it’s through social media platforms, search engines, or industry-specific websites, targeted ads can drive awareness and generate leads that are more likely to convert.
  • Customer Success teams: Once a sale is closed, Customer Success teams play a crucial role in ensuring clients derive maximum value from your product. By offering ongoing support, training, and advice, these teams can boost customer satisfaction, encourage upsells, and reduce churn.
  • Live chat: Offering instant communication options like live chat or chatbots on pricing or product pages can capture prospects at a critical moment of decision-making. These tools allow for real-time answers to questions, helping to remove barriers to conversion on the spot.
  • Networking and industry events: Participating in industry events, whether online or in person, can be a powerful way to generate leads and build relationships. Networking opportunities, speaking engagements, and product demos at these events can significantly raise your product’s profile among potential customers.

What are the benefits of product-led growth?

As I mentioned, the draw of product-led growth is how it’s so directly aligned with our digital era’s demands for speed, efficiency, and self-service. There are plenty of ways it can help if you’re aiming to scale rapidly while keeping your focus on your user experience and satisfaction, including:

You’ll have more scalability and lower customer acquisition costs

Product-led growth can help you reach and onboard a potentially massive user base without having to sink your precious cash into a proportional increase in sales or marketing expenses. Salespeople aren’t cheap!

By making your product the primary tool for your customer acquisition and retention, you can achieve remarkable scalability. The reliance on self-service significantly reduces the cost of acquiring new customers, which can make it a huge draw for startups and established businesses alike.

You’ll have enhanced user adoption and retention

If people can easily explore your product and find its value for themselves, you’re far more likely to see higher adoption rates. Intuitive design and user-friendly interfaces are the name of the game – they encourage your users to press every button to see what they can do, and to learn by doing.

It will make people feel like they really own your product, and that’ll surely make them more loyal. Plus they’ll probably stick around for longer, as they keep discovering value and utility as they keep using your product, and you keep making it better with their feedback.

You’ll gain viral growth potential

If you’re aiming for product-led growth, you’ll want to incorporate features that naturally encourage people to share what they’re doing, and ideally promote viral growth.

Whether through built-in collaboration tools, user referrals, or simply making it easy for people to spread the word about how great your product is, you’ll be able to tap into your users’ networks to drive your organic growth.

People will quickly realize your product’s value

Last but certainly not least, one of the biggest hitters of the product-led approach is how it lets your users see your product’s value so quickly. Everyone loves a bit of immediate gratification!

Quickly scratching the itch that drove them to use your product can push people to convert from being free users to paying customers, as they see firsthand how your product does what they want and solves their problems.

What are the benefits of sales-led growth?

Sales-led growth places the responsibility more on the shoulders of Sales and Marketing teams to directly engage with and do their damnedest to convert new customers, and to get existing ones to upgrade. This approach particularly shines if your product is a more complex solution, or if you’re targeting enterprise clients. Its benefits include:

You can target your customer engagement

A sales-led growth strategy will help you to deeply personalize your interactions with potential customers. Your Sales teams can tailor their pitches and demos to address their specific pain points, industry context, and any other particular needs they might have. It helps make the sales process more effective and efficient.

You’ll make bigger deals

Direct sales efforts are often a huge part of securing enterprise-level deals, which are bigger in both scope and value. Through careful negotiation and customized proposals, your Sales teams can communicate what can be done to align your product’s offerings with the strategic goals of large organizations.

The result? Bigger contracts and more valuable deals.

It will help with complex product positioning

If your product needs some explaining or customization to get the most from it, a sales-led approach will help your customers fully grasp what you can do and why they need your product to do it.

This tailored onboarding is really important if you’ve got a steep learning curve, or it takes deep, complex integrations into people’s existing systems and workflows.

You’ll have stronger customer relationships

The personal touch inherent in sales-led models naturally builds stronger relationships between you and your customers. These more intimate relationships can help you keep people happy, driving repeat business, and referrals, and it’ll give you more chances to upsell and cross-sell.

What kind of companies suit a product-led growth approach?

Product-led growth isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy, but it can be incredibly powerful when you’re in the right position to make the most of it. If your product caters to a broad market, and addresses a clear and immediate need, you’re probably well placed to take this approach.

SaaS companies

With a digital interface and often scalable cloud infrastructure, SaaS companies are by their nature going to benefit. These products are designed to be discovered, trialed, and picked up at the user’s pace, often making them ideal for a product-led approach.

Products and services that draw in a large, diverse audience 

These types of companies can also often succeed with product-led growth. They benefit from frictionless user adoption and the viral potential of their products. Think social media platforms, content streaming services, and productivity tools.

Businesses with a clear value proposition 

These types of products are well suited for product-led growth too. If a user can sign up and quickly see how the product solves their problems or makes their life better, you’re well-positioned to go for product-led growth.

What kind of companies suit a sales-led growth approach?

Sales-led growth can be more steady footing if your product’s value proposition is complex, or if your sales cycle involves a lot of stakeholders and decision-makers.

Enterprise software and B2B solutions

Anything that takes a significant investment or integration into people’s existing systems will often benefit greatly from the personalized touch of a Sales team. These are the products that serve critical business functions and promise a return on investment that can be best shown through direct sales efforts.

Companies with high-value, low-volume products

Businesses in this position often go for a sale-led strategy. If your customer lifetime value is high but you’re serving a more niche market, a sales-led approach will give you the deep, consultative selling you’ll need to close those vital deals. If you’re in this position, you’ll benefit from building your relationships and tailoring your pitches to meet the needs of each and every potential customer.

Specialized industries and bespoke solutions

You’ll likely be better suited to a sales-led strategy if your industry has specific regulations and legal requirements, or if your product requires customization for each client. Here, the sales process is as much about understanding each customer’s unique challenges as it is about selling your product, and often you’ll need to customize your offering to fit the customer’s requirements.

Product-led growth vs sales-led growth – which approach is right for you?

Choosing the right growth strategy can feel a bit like standing at a crossroads, with each path leading to two distinct futures for your business.

How to choose? Here are some tips that’ll help you figure out which route might suit your product best:

  • Assess your product: Is it simple and intuitive or complex and customizable? Your product’s nature can point you toward your answer when considering a product-led growth vs sales-led growth strategy.
  • Know your audience: Are you aiming for individual consumers or big enterprises? The size and expectations of your target market can dictate whether to lean towards product-led for ease and scalability or sales-led for depth and customization.
  • Align with your goals: What are you aiming to achieve? Rapid market spread fits well with product-led growth, while building deep-value customer relationships aligns with a sales-led strategy.
  • Check your toolbox: Do you have a killer sales team ready or a tech-savvy squad to enhance the product experience? Your current resources and capabilities should influence your strategy choice.
  • Experiment!: Not sure which path to take? Test and learn. Run small pilots and MVPs to see what resonates with your market and what doesn’t.
  • Stay agile: The only constant is change, especially in today’s digital world. Be ready to pivot your strategy based on new learnings, market shifts, and feedback.
  • Listen to your customers: They’re the best ones to guide you to the right strategy. Their interactions with your product and feedback are golden nuggets of insight.

Remember, picking a growth strategy isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing journey of adaptation and refinement, ensuring your business not only grows but thrives in its unique landscape.

What are the key considerations when being product-led?

Embracing a product-led growth strategy means diving deep into some crucial areas that can skyrocket your product’s success if you nail them.

Here’s what to keep an eye on:

  • User experience and intuitiveness: Your product needs to do the talking. Ensure every user interaction is smooth and intuitive, guiding them naturally to value discovery. This is where investing in top-notch UI/UX design pays off, making onboarding a breeze and your product a joy for everyone to use.
  • Immediate value delivery: Make sure your product quickly shows off its worth. Aim for that early “Wow!” moment by clearly showcasing how it eases user pain points. It’s all about making that first impression count.
  • Feedback loops and product iteration: Listen closely to what your users are telling you. Use their feedback, gathered through various means like surveys or in-app prompts, as an oracle for refining and evolving your product. It’s a journey of continuous improvement.
  • Viral mechanisms and shareability: Make your product too good not to share. Embed features that naturally encourage users to spread the word, from collaboration tools to referral perks. The easier it is to share, the faster your product grows!
  • Scalable customer support: Even in a self-serve world, users will sometimes need a helping hand. Roll out scalable support solutions, like detailed FAQs and AI chatbots, to ensure help is always at hand as your user base expands.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Dive into the data to really understand how users interact with your product. The knowledge you can gain from things like usage patterns and conversion rates is invaluable, helping you tweak and tune the user experience for even better growth.

By putting your heart into these areas, you’re setting the stage for a product-led growth story that will rival the Spotifys of the world.

What are the key considerations when being sales-led?

If you’re setting your sights on a sales-led growth strategy, here’s a list of essentials to make it a roaring success:

  • Deep product knowledge: Arm your Sales team with more than just the basics. They should know the product inside and out, understand its standout features, and exactly how it can solve customer problems. This deep dive enables personalized pitches and builds trust with prospects.
  • Understanding your customer needs: Success hinges on your team’s ability to get the product and its potential customer in perfect sync. This means doing your homework on the customer’s industry, business processes, and hurdles, and presenting your product as the hero they’ve been looking for.
  • Alignment with Marketing: Ensure your Sales and Marketing teams are in a tight partnership, crafting a unified customer journey. Marketing tees up with awareness and interest; Sales knocks it out of the park with insight-informed strategies that resonate.
  • Effective Sales process management: Sharpen your Sales process to a repeatable, efficient cycle, from sparking initial interest to sealing the deal. Equip your team with training and tools to ensure a smooth ride through your sales funnels.
  • Customer relationship building: Go beyond the sale. Nurturing ongoing support and understanding evolving needs can turn one-time deals into lasting partnerships, spurring renewals, upsells, and that priceless word-of-mouth.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Stay nimble, ready to adjust your sails as market winds shift. This agility allows your team to capture opportunities quickly and navigate around potential setbacks with ease.
  • Measuring and optimizing performance: Keep a keen eye on sales metrics to continually refine your approach. A solid analysis of sales performance guides data-driven decisions, aligning sales strategies with broader business objectives.

If you keep all this in mind, your sales-led growth journey will be well-equipped to start driving sustained growth and push you toward a stronger, safer position in the market.

Real-world examples of product-led growth 

Let’s dive into some real-life stories that bring the concepts of product-led growth vs sales-led growth to life, shining a light on how different companies have taken these paths to success. We’ve got some more examples here if you want even more inspiration!


Ever wonder how Slack became the go-to for team communication? It’s a classic case of product-led magic. With its super intuitive design and the ability to make work life simpler and more productive, Slack naturally found its way into the hearts (and offices) of users worldwide. The key? A product experience so smooth, people couldn’t help but spread the word.


Before it turned into a synonym for video calls, Zoom was just another contender in the crowded space of video conferencing. What set it apart? A relentless focus on user simplicity and reliability. Zoom made joining a video call so effortless that it quickly became the preferred choice for both personal chats and professional meetings.


In the early days of cloud storage, Dropbox stood out by making file sharing a breeze. Its clear-cut promise of easy storage and sharing, sweetened with referral bonuses for extra space, saw users flocking. The simplicity of Dropbox’s product did the talking, turning users into advocates.

Real-world examples of sales-led growth

Oracle and SAP

When it comes to handling complex business operations, Oracle and SAP are the heavyweights. Their Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, vital for integrating and managing core business processes, aren’t the simplest tools on the shelf. Through in-depth consultations and demos, their skilled Sales teams have been pivotal in custom-fitting their solutions into the intricate tapestry of businesses worldwide.


IBM’s journey through the tech world is a testament to the power of a sales-led approach. With a portfolio that stretches across various sectors and solutions, IBM’s success lies in building strong relationships with clients. Their sales teams excel at demystifying complex solutions, showing businesses exactly how IBM’s offerings can transform their operations.

Real-world examples of a blended growth strategy

Let’s take a look at how some companies have masterfully blended product-led and sales-led strategies, capturing the essence of both approaches. This strategy isn’t just about balancing; it’s about harmonizing the strengths of each approach to meet your customers exactly where they are.


Ever think about how Microsoft Teams became so widespread, almost overnight? Microsoft played a clever game here. They used their mighty Sales engine to push Teams into the spotlight, but also ensured the product itself was useful enough to draw people in.

Through Teams, Microsoft showed that even the big boys could dance gracefully between being product-centric and leveraging a world-class Sales team to get their fingers deeper into the pie. They have their cake and eat it too, growing through organic product appeal while solidifying big deals behind the scenes.


Now, for a bit of own-horn-tootin’! Here at ProdPad, we began our journey by letting our product lead the way, attracting our first users with its sheer usefulness. After all, we are Product Managers ourselves, and we made it for our use as much as anyone else’s!

But as we’ve grown, we’ve realized that some of our customers could really benefit from a consultative approach, helping them to understand exactly how ProdPad can help them operate a smoother product process within their particular organization and with their particular structure and existing processes. 

Our Sales team can listen to a customer’s exact use case for ProdPad – or, more accurately, listen to how they work now, understand the problems they are facing, and then show them specifically how they could set up their ProdPad account and process to drive success.

By gradually integrating our sales-led growth efforts into how we do things, we’ve expanded the types of customers we helping, engaging directly with larger teams and organizations to tailor solutions that fit them like a glove.

It’s helping us to not just grow, but to grow smart, reaching wider without losing our product-led soul.

How to blend product-led and sales-led growth strategies

Blending product-led and sales-led growth isn’t just about shoving them together like two Barbies. It’s about creating a dynamic, responsive growth engine that capitalizes on the direct feedback loop between your product and its users, all while keeping the personal touch that your lovely Sales bods can offer.

Here’s a quick guide on making it work:

  • Spot the blend moments: Look at the customer journey for moments where a little sales nudge could enrich the product-led path. Maybe it’s when users hit a certain usage threshold on a feature or when big accounts need that human touch.
  • Data is your best friend: Dive into how users interact with your product. This treasure trove helps Sales folks pinpoint prospects ripe for a deeper conversation, ensuring efforts are laser-focused.
  • Smooth moves between Product and Sales: Aim for a seamless handoff that feels natural to the user, whether through a well-timed email or an in-app prompt that gently introduces Sales into the mix.
  • Equip your Sales team: Arm Sales with everything there is to know about how users are engaging with your product. This knowledge turns them into wizards at identifying upsell opportunities and solving user challenges.
  • Close your feedback loop: Sales insights can supercharge product development. Those frontline tales and user wishes can guide what your product does next, keeping it fresh and relevant.
  • Tailor your approach: Different users need different things. Some love the independence of a self-serve model, while others appreciate a guiding hand. Crafting strategies that respect these preferences ensures everyone gets what they need.
  • Tech to tie it together: Harness the power of CRM, automation, and analytics tools to stitch Product and Sales efforts together smoothly, tracking every interaction to refine and improve your approach continually.

How can you measure your growth?

Keeping an eye on your growth and understanding the impact of your strategy, whether it’s product-led growth vs sales-led growth, or a blend, is really the only way to know whether what you’re doing is paying off.

Here are some of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics to keep an eye on to make sure you’re heading in the right direction:

How to measure product-led growth

  • User Acquisition Rate: Think of this as how many new friends your product is making over time. A growing circle suggests your product’s charm is working wonders.
  • Activation Rate: This one’s about how many of those new friends decide to stick around because they see the value in your product. Whether they’re setting up their profile or making their first purchase, it’s a sign they’re into what you’re offering.
  • MAU and DAU: Monthly and Daily Active Users give you a peek into how engaging your product is. A lively party versus a quiet dinner – both have their vibes, and the ratio tells you which one your product is hosting.
  • Churn Rate: This tells you how many folks are leaving the party early. Keeping this number low means your product continues to be a hit over time.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CLV is all about understanding the long-term value each customer brings. A rising CLV signals that your product isn’t just a one-hit-wonder.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Essentially, how likely are people to rave about your product to their friends? High scores here mean organic growth is on your side.

How to measure sales-led growth

  • Lead Conversion Rate: This is about how well your sales team can turn potential into actual customers. High rates here mean your team is on fire.
  • Average Deal Size: Watching this helps you understand if your sales strategies are hitting the mark in upselling or catching the big fish.
  • Sales Cycle Length: A shorter cycle means your team is swiftly moving from “hello” to “let’s do this,” speeding up revenue realization.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): It’s crucial to keep an eye on what it costs to win a customer over. Optimizing CAC is key to ensuring your efforts are profitable.
  • Revenue Growth: The ultimate sign of health for sales-led strategies, this metric tells you if your sales efforts are translating into a healthier bottom line.
  • Customer Retention Rate: Just like in product-led strategies, keeping customers coming back for more is a sign of lasting relationships built by your sales efforts.

How to measure a blended growth strategy:

  • Mix and match: Keep tabs on a cocktail of the above metrics, adjusting your focus based on what your current strategy emphasizes.
  • Seamlessness: Pay special attention to how smoothly customers move between experiencing your product and engaging with your sales team. This transition should feel natural and effortless.

Keep an eye on how these metrics ebb and flow over time – it can clue you into deeper insights about how healthy your growth strategy is and if you’re headed in the right direction.  You can also learn where you stand by comparing your numbers against industry standards or your competitors. It’s a reality check that can contextualize what you’ve been doing.

product metrics e-book

They lied. Size is everything.

Surviving the ever-shifting sands of today’s business landscape is a constant adventure. With markets always on the move and customer tastes evolving at lightning speed, trying to pin down the perfect growth strategy is harder, and yet more crucial, than ever.

Maybe you’re all in on letting your product take the lead, perhaps you see the value in a more hands-on sales-driven approach, or you might be eyeing the best of both worlds with a blended strategy. Whatever your choice, it hinges on really getting your product, knowing your market inside out, and playing to your organizational strengths.

But here’s the thing: choosing your strategy is just the beginning. Keeping tabs on your growth, tuning into feedback, and being ready to tweak your approach are part and parcel of the journey. It’s about picking a direction, yes, but you also need to be nimble enough to get around each twist and turn.

The ultimate aim? Cultivating dynamic growth, and being ready to adapt and thrive no matter what the market throws your way.

In the end, there’s no magic formula for growth. It’s a unique journey for every business, defined by your product, your team, and where you dream of going. Yes, deciding between product-led growth vs sales-led growth is complex, but if you’re armed with the right strategy, you know your product and your customers like the back of your hand, and you’re not afraid to adapt… the possibilities for growth are endless.

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